Aloha! I’ve just returned from a wonderful 10 weeks interning at NOAA’s Pacific Island Regional Office in Honolulu. The final requirement for graduation from CSU Monterey Bay’s natural science illustration program is an internship in the field. I was lucky to work with Malia Chow and the rest of the team at NOAA Fisheries working on habitat conservation and, specifically, Marine National Monuments. My task was to create a large, “catalog” illustration depicting the Marianas Trench ecosystem and linking to a set of lesson plans for 8-12 graders in the region. The poster will be used in the spring around meetings focused on the Monument’s management plan.
This was my biggest scientific illustration project to date, and I really got a chance to stretch my skills and integrate much of what I learned in the past year at CSUMB. I decided to render the illustration in fluid acrylics, a medium I had only tried in passing, and I really enjoyed working with it. In the gallery of photos, I’ll take you through my process, which started with extensive research, deciding what creatures and elements to include, finding reference photos (largely from NOAA’s own expeditions), and getting feedback from scientists and managers. I’m really happy with the way this turned out. It’s a poster that I would have loved to have on my wall when I was in school.